Sunday, December 16, 2012

An Introduction Long Overdue

Ladies and gentlemen, permit me to introduce you to my blog.

The Patmos Post gets its name from Patmos, a Greek island in the Aegean Sea.  The apostle St. John the Evangelist was living in exile on Patmos when he received the visions that are recorded in the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible.  Revelation 1:9 reads:
I, John, your brother who share with you in Jesus the persecution and the kingdom and the patient endurance, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
While in exile for his faith in Christ, St. John received the incredible vision of the Apocalypse, which he describes in the rest of the Book of Revelation.  It is not that book, however, but rather John's epistles and Gospel that are a major source of inspiration for this blog.  What I hope this blog will have in common with the mystic John is, quite simply, a pursuit of deeper insights into Truth.  Not only did St. John receive divine inspiration as an author of Sacred Scripture, but he also had the extraordinary privilege of being one of Jesus' closest friends, with I daresay a unique knowledge of many of Our Lord's more private thoughts.  Along those lines, this blog will be reserved for the presentation and (with your help, esteemed readers) discussion of indubitably interesting insights into reality and Truth, inspired by the example of the Beloved Disciple.  Hence the title, The Patmos Post.  Musings of a more trivial nature will more likely be relegated to their proper home in the Zuckerbergian Cloud.  (By the way, would it be "more-Catholic-than-the-Pope" of me to proudly flaunt my non-membership on Twitter?)

Having said all that, it will not surprise you to learn that the background of this blog (at the time of this writing) is a public domain image of John on Patmos by 17th-century Spanish painter Alonso Cano.

Unlike normal people, my blog is not averse to stalkers.  Feel free to follow it.

And just maybe you'll find a few beautifully mind-blowing thoughts along the way.

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