Wednesday, November 7, 2012

After the Vote

I would like to present for your edification, consolation, and motivation, some of my favorite election night facebook posts from my IRL friends, unedited for spelling mistakes (sorry Gus).

John Bertucci IV

Hahahaha another round of debt on the house! Also here's a side of DEBT with your debt. More debt you ask? Sure! We have enough for even your kid's GRAND KIDS! Glad you asked! We'll keep it comin ;)

Angela J. Sus

Keep your chin up for the result tonight can only kill your spirit, your hope, your fight if you let it. The Lord says, "I know well the plans I have for you, plans for a future full of hope." He is with us always, so let us surrender our spirits, our hope, our fight, and our country's future to our Creator. And then. Go buy a gun.

Kyle Richard Therese George

‎"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart - for I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

Augustine Welsh

"i wish none of this had ever happened" said frodo. "so do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All they have to decide is what to do with the time they are given. And that is an encouraging thought..." replied gandalf. "i must decieve them that all hope is lost" said sauron, "when it is never lost, just needs to be found in the deep and dark abyse. But few.....ever have the courage and perserverence to go there. And therefore, because they despair, i live."

Despite the slight misquoting of the movie by Gus, his and Kyle's posts struck me almost physically.  Spot on, gentlemen.  Of course, credit goes to Jesus/St. John the Evangelist and J.R.R. Tolkien/LOTR:FOTR scriptwriters, respectively.

I myself posted on facebook when the election results were still coming in and not looking good... But we'll save that for an entire post, coming soon.  Right now, I need to sleep.

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